The following 129 words could not be found in the dictionary of 1150 words (including 1150 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
able   account   addext   address   Alt   aspell   assigned   bind   bit   Blinkenshell   blinkenshell   buffer   but   can   cd   cert   certificate   channels   Chat   checking   client   commands   commonname   connect   connection   console   countrycode   days   designed   don   each   etc   example   existing   extensible   fast   fifo   for   Generate   history   Howto   howto   if   indy   Inside   ipv4   irssi   key   keyout   light   lines   load   Load   logger   lua   max   memory   mkdir   more   mypassword   need   network   newkey   nodes   normally   number   on   only   open   openssl   out   parameters   password   pem   phone   plugins   port   problem   provide   really   Reduce   reducing   relay   requires   rsa   ruby   running   saved   Screen   scripts   sec   secure   server   session   set   Set   should   since   smartphone   some   specified   start   subj   subject   supporter   tcl   than   that   This   this   through   Tips   tls   to   usage   use   used   user   uses   way   Wee   weechat   when   which   will   with   x509   xfer   yourportnumber  

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WeeChat is a console IRC client, which is designed to be light and fast. It's extensible through scripts and plugins.

WeeChat on Blinkenshell

WeeChat + Screen howto

WeeChat uses a bit more memory than for example irssi, but this should normally not be a problem. Tips for reducing memory usage:

  • Do not load some plugins if you don’t use them, for example: aspell, fifo, logger, perl, python, ruby, lua, tcl, xfer (used for DCC)
  • Load only scripts that you really need
  • Reduce value of option weechat.history.max_lines (number of lines saved in memory for each buffer)
  • Reduce value of option weechat.history.max_commands (number of user commands saved in memory)

WeeChat relay

WeeChat relay can be used to connect your smartphone for example to your existing weechat session running on Blinkenshell. This way you will have all your history and channels etc when checking IRC on your phone.

This requires a supporter account since you need an open TCP port to connect to.

Generate a TLS certificate on the server to be able to secure your connection (change C=countrycode,CN=commonname):

mkdir ~/.weechat/tls
cd ~/.weechat/tls
openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout relay.pem -x509 -days 365 -out relay.pem -subj "/C=SE/CN=indy" -addext "subjectAltName ="

Inside weechat set a password:

/secure set relay mypassword
/set "${}"

Set connection parameters:

/set "%h/tls/relay.pem"

Add/start the relay with the TCP port number assigned for your supporter account:

/relay add ipv4.tls.weechat <yourportnumber>

Have your relay client connect with TLS to on your supporter port, and provide the password you specified above.

See also