
How to install WordPress at Blinkenshell

Wordpress uses PHP which is only available on Supporter accounts.

Download and unpack

Download and unpack the latest version of WordPress (version 3 when writing this):


tar xvzf latest.tar.gz

Rename (and move):

mv wordpress public_html/blog

rm latest.tar.gz

Set up MySQL

Edit the WordPress config file:

cd public_html/blog

mv wp-config-sample.php wp-config.php

nano -w wp-config.php

Enter login details for the database, DB_HOST should be localhost.

Run installer

Next, surf to: http://<username>

Enter blogs name and email, press next.

Copy the password and save it in a textfile or something.

Logging in

Go back to your blog: http://<username>

Login with "admin" and the password you saved in a textfile before.

CategoryHowto CategoryWebapps

last edited 2011-01-16 12:33:27 by independence