= Webhosting = You can host your own personal webpage at Blinkenshell. To do this, put any files you want to be accessible via HTTP in the directory public_html in your home directory. The URL to your webpage will be `https://username.u.blinkenshell.org/` (old accounts have no HTTPS and are available at `http://username.blinkenshell.org` instead, ask independence if you want to migrate to the new hostname and HTTPS) If you have a file named `index.html` in your public_html directory that file will be used as the index page when someone browses to your site without requesting a specific file (i.e. `https://username.u.blinkenshell.org/`). If you do not have an index file a directory listing of all the files in your `public_html` will be shown instead. You can use Apache `.htaccess`-files to customize the behaviour of your webpage. [[http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/howto/htaccess.html|Apache documentation on htaccess]]. Logs from apache are written to `~/logs/access.log` (normal traffic) and `~/logs/error.log` (errors). These files should not be removed. == CGI == [[CGI]] and [[PHP]] is only available on [[Info/Supporter|Supporter accounts]]. You can use [[PHP]] and [[CGI]] scripts to create dynamic webpages. CGI and PHP scripts are executed with mod_fcgi and suexec, which will make all scripts execute with your user id instead of the Apache user. [[PHP]] and [[Python]] are installed. You can install your own frameworks such as Django if you like, but they are not installed system-wide. == MySQL == For information on how to use MySQL, see: [[Info/MySQL]]. == External links == * [[http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/|Apache Docs]] * [[http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/howto/htaccess.ht|Apache Docs: htaccess]] * [[http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/suexec.html|Apache Docs: suexec]] * [[http://php.net/|PHP Website]] * [[http://www.hardened-php.net/suhosin/|Suhosin (Hardened PHP)]] * [[http://www.dartmouth.edu/~rc/help/faq/permissions.html|UNIX file permissions tutorial]] ---- CategoryInfo