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Diff for "BlinkenIRC"

Differences between revisions 2 and 32 (spanning 30 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2007-10-11 15:15:35
Size: 718
Revision 32 as of 2016-01-20 14:15:57
Size: 1705
Editor: independence
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= Allshells IRC Network =
Allshells is an IRC network for shell providers.

## page was renamed from Allshells
= BlinkenIRC IRC Network =
BlinkenIRC is Blinkenshell's official IRC network. You can connect to `irc.blinkenshell.org` on port 6697 with SSL enabled. This network is SSL-only.
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|| '''Name''' || '''Address''' || '''Ports''' || '''SSL''' ||
|| Allshells (main) || irc.allshells.net || 6667,7000 || Yes, port 6697 ||
|| Allshells (testing) || irc.allshells.org || 6667 || Unknown ||
|| '''Address''' || '''Ports''' || '''Location''' || '''Admin''' || '''Notes''' ||
|| sao.blinkenshell.org || 6697 SSL || SE {{http://blinkenshell.org/static/icons/se.png}} || independence || Hub, Services ||
|| medusa.blinkenshell.org || 6697 SSL || US {{http://blinkenshell.org/static/icons/us.png}} || djweezy || ||

`irc.blinkenshell.org` is a roundrobin name for all the servers on the network. Using this address is recommended if you're not connecting from triton. `eu.irc.blinkenshell.org` is also available as a roundrobin name with only the EU servers.

If you are connecting from Blinkenshell (via irssi for example), connect to `sao` or `sao.blinkenshell.local` (internal IRCd). Some other server addresses are redirected to the internal server when connecting from triton.
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 * NickServ - To register your nickname. See ["Howto/Register Nickname"].
 * ChanServ - To manage channels.
 * NickServ - To register your nickname. See [[Howto/Register_Nickname]].
 * ChanServ - To register and manage channels.
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 * [:JohanMarcusson:Independence]
 * overload
 * bushblows
 * [[JohanMarcusson|Independence]]
 * [[djweezy]]

== Scan ==
BlinkenIRCs servers will scan all connecting clients for open proxies (using [[http://wiki.blitzed.org/BOPM|BOPM]].) Your firewall might warn you about some "hacker attempt" or similar while connecting to our IRC network because of this, but it's nothing to worry about.
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["CategoryIRCNetwork"] [[CategoryIRCNetwork]]

BlinkenIRC IRC Network

BlinkenIRC is Blinkenshell's official IRC network. You can connect to irc.blinkenshell.org on port 6697 with SSL enabled. This network is SSL-only.








6697 SSL

SE http://blinkenshell.org/static/icons/se.png


Hub, Services


6697 SSL

US http://blinkenshell.org/static/icons/us.png


irc.blinkenshell.org is a roundrobin name for all the servers on the network. Using this address is recommended if you're not connecting from triton. eu.irc.blinkenshell.org is also available as a roundrobin name with only the EU servers.

If you are connecting from Blinkenshell (via irssi for example), connect to sao or sao.blinkenshell.local (internal IRCd). Some other server addresses are redirected to the internal server when connecting from triton.



If you need to get in touch with an operator. Contact any of these:


BlinkenIRCs servers will scan all connecting clients for open proxies (using BOPM.) Your firewall might warn you about some "hacker attempt" or similar while connecting to our IRC network because of this, but it's nothing to worry about.
