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Full Text Search: "linkto:"CategoryComputerLanguage""

Results 1 - 5 of 5 results out of about 6583 pages. (0.29 seconds)

CategoryComputerLanguage . . . 2 matches
...= Computer Languages = List of programming/scripting languages. <<FullSearch(CategoryComputerLanguage)>> ---- CategoryCategory...

0.1k - rev: 1 (current) last modified: 2011-01-16 18:11:25

Ruby . . . 1 match
...= Ruby = Ruby is a high-level programming/scripting language. Ruby version 1.9 is installed on the [[Info/Webhosting|Web]]-servers. ---- CategoryComputerLanguage...

0.2k - rev: 1 (current) last modified: 2011-01-16 18:17:42

Python . . . 1 match
...ersion 2.6 is installed on [[Info/SSH_Servers|SSH]] and [[Info/Webhosting|Web]]-servers. Python 3.1 is installed in an alternative location on Triton. ---- CategoryComputerLanguage...

0.3k - rev: 1 (current) last modified: 2011-01-16 18:13:39

Perl . . . 1 match
...ng language. Perl version 5.8 is installed on the [[Info/SSH_Servers|SSH]] and Perl version 5.10 is installed on the [[Info/Webhosting|Web]]-servers. ---- CategoryComputerLanguage...

0.2k - rev: 1 (current) last modified: 2011-01-16 18:14:54

PHP . . . 1 match
...e.) == See also == * [[Info/Webhosting|Webhosting]] * [[CGI]] == Links == * http://www.php.net/ * http://www.hardened-php.net/suhosin/index.html ---- CategoryComputerLanguage...

0.9k - rev: 8 (current) last modified: 2011-01-16 18:11:44