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Full Text Search: "linkto:"CategoryFAQ""

Results 1 - 5 of 5 results out of about 6586 pages. (0.31 seconds)

CategoryFAQ . . . 2 matches
...= FAQ = <<FullSearch(CategoryFAQ)>>...

0.0k - rev: 6 (current) last modified: 2008-02-17 20:00:58

FAQ/Unicode . . . 1 match
...e directory as your webpages (public_html) with the following content: {{{ AddDefaultCharset UTF-8}}} == See Also == * [[FAQ/IrssiCharset|UTF in irssi]] ---- [[CategoryFAQ]]...

0.9k - rev: 13 (current) last modified: 2009-03-06 12:45:43

FAQ/Timezone . . . 1 match
...t the available timezones list the files in /usr/share/zoneinfo To make the changes permanent use this command: {{{ echo 'export TZ="UTC"' >> ~/.bashrc }}} ---- [[CategoryFAQ]]...

0.4k - rev: 3 (current) last modified: 2008-02-17 20:01:05

FAQ/IrssiCharset . . . 1 match
...links == * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8 * http://anti.teamidiot.de/nei/2007/02/irssi_putty_screen_unicode_utf/ ---- [[CategoryFAQ]]...

2.0k - rev: 1 (current) last modified: 2008-12-16 19:12:18

FAQ/DeadScreen . . . 1 match
...reen. If you want your screens to automatically restart when the system boots up after a reboot, read this howto on autostarting apps: [[Howto/Autostart]]. ---- [[CategoryFAQ]]...

0.5k - rev: 4 (current) last modified: 2008-02-17 20:00:59