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Diff for "FAQ/Unicode"

Differences between revisions 3 and 10 (spanning 7 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2006-07-29 07:26:20
Size: 759
Revision 10 as of 2008-02-17 20:00:58
Size: 1304
Editor: localhost
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Does the shell provide Unicode support? Does the shell provide unicode support?
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Yes. Yes. Both for commandline programs and for webpages.
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== Problem ==
Localized characters doesn't look good. (replaced by questionmarks etc)
=== Problem #1 - Commandline programs ===
Localized characters doesn't display correctly in irssi, nano etc (they are replaced with question marks, squares or something similar.)
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== Solution == '''Solution:'''
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Use this command if you want to send text in another charset to other users that are still using ISO for example: Use this command if you want to send text in another charset to other users that are still using ISO for example (note however that you will not be able to send UTF text with this setting):
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Remember that you have to change the charset in your SSH-client aswell! Use the translation option in putty for example.

Remember that you have to change the charset in your SSH-client as well! Use the translation option in [[PuTTY]] for example.

=== Problem #2 - Webpages ===

Characters in webpages doesn't display correctly.


Save the webpages in UTF-8 from your text-editor. Then create a new file named .htaccess in the same directory as your webpages (public_html) with the following content:

AddDefaultCharset UTF-8}}}
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["CategoryFAQ"]  [[CategoryFAQ]]


Does the shell provide unicode support?


Yes. Both for commandline programs and for webpages.

Problem #1 - Commandline programs

Localized characters doesn't display correctly in irssi, nano etc (they are replaced with question marks, squares or something similar.)


Write this command at the shell prompt

echo 'export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"' >> ~/.profile

Next time you log in your shell will be in unicode.

To use unicode in irssi, type this in the command prompt in irssi:

/set term_charset UTF-8

Use this command if you want to send text in another charset to other users that are still using ISO for example (note however that you will not be able to send UTF text with this setting):

/set recode_out_default_charset iso-8859-1

Remember that you have to change the charset in your SSH-client as well! Use the translation option in PuTTY for example.

Problem #2 - Webpages

Characters in webpages doesn't display correctly.


Save the webpages in UTF-8 from your text-editor. Then create a new file named .htaccess in the same directory as your webpages (public_html) with the following content:

AddDefaultCharset UTF-8