The following 167 words could not be found in the dictionary of 1150 words (including 1150 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
about   accidentally   activated   Admonitions   again   alert   allow   already   Automatic   automatic   automatically   Backup   backup   before   Beginners   behave   bottom   Box   box   but   button   buttons   by   called   can   Cancel   cancel   Categories   caution   changes   Changes   Check   check   Clicking   closed   continue   correctly   crashes   current   deleted   describe   details   dictionaries   Dictionaries   Don   draft   Drafts   dynamic   easily   editor   effects   either   elements   Every   external   feature   find   following   For   formatting   general   get   go   group   headings   Headlines   hit   horizontal   how   If   images   indented   influence   information   inline   insert   Instructions   internal   internally   into   keep   Like   link   Linking   Lists   lists   load   loaded   locking   Locks   Look   machine   Macros   mark   message   More   more   Names   needed   new   note   often   old   On   on   one   open   or   overwrite   Parsers   parsers   present   Preview   preview   process   processing   Processing   put   recover   recovered   related   replacing   revision   Rules   rules   Sand   save   Save   saved   saves   section   sections   side   simply   so   special   spell   Spell   store   Sub   successfully   tables   Tables   text   that   then   there   This   this   time   tip   to   together   try   turned   use   variables   Variables   via   warning   when   will   window   with   word   work   write  

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HelpForUsers > HelpOnEditing

Page Editing

Names of pages may either LookLikeThis (that is called a WikiName) or [[Like this]] (a so-called free link). If you write a word that LookLikeThis, it will be automatically turned into a link. More details about this you find on HelpForBeginners.

The following pages describe the elements (wiki markup) you can use to get special formatting effects:

To experiment with wiki markup, go to the WikiSandBox and then click on "EditText" at the bottom of the page. Use your browser's "open a new window with this link" feature on the word "WikiSandBox", so you can keep the help pages open side-by-side to the editing window.

Automatic Backup of Drafts

Every time you are in the editor and use the "Preview", "Spell Check", "Cancel" or "Save Changes" buttons, moin saves a draft copy of your work internally. Use preview often!

If you hit "cancel" accidentally, your machine crashes, or the browser window was accidentally closed, then the automatic backup of your draft may be easily recovered.

To recover that draft, you simply edit that page again. If there is a draft, an alert message will be in the message box and a "load draft" button will be present. Clicking the "load draft" will load your saved draft into the editor box replacing the current revision already loaded. You can continue editing the loaded draft, but this time try to save it at the end. :)

(!) Don't use the "preview", "spell check", "save changes" or "cancel" buttons on that page before "load draft" or you will overwrite your old draft with a new one.

If you successfully save a page, the internal draft copy of it is not needed any more and will be deleted.