The following 124 words could not be found in the dictionary of 1150 words (including 1150 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
accepted   account   advertisements   appreciated   azzid   base3   below   Bitcoin   blinkenshell   Blinkenshell   both   braam   but   button   by   can   capricciosa   connectivity   cost   costs   creditcard   currently   Digo176   domain   don   donate   donated   donation   donations   Donations   donors   ebbeyes   either   energy   fbs   fee   fiendishfish   For   for   from   Gary   gdbjoe   get   greatly   hardware   hosting   If   independence   instant   keep   keeperx   krisje8   kristianholm   Krona   like   list   List   listed   mattik   me   moment   montly   n0t   name   names   navap   need   nemesis   nibbo   nice   on   one   or   Pal   patreon   Patreon   Pay   pay   Paypal   people   pieter   pizza   please   power   prefer   probably   reduced   rental   reylan   running   send   server   service   Seviour   sign   suki   support   Supporter   supporting   Swedish   takes   tam   tell   Thank   this   thorpe   through   to   traeskfisk   transfers   turno   underflow   unless   up   use   used   very   via   welcome   when   who   will   with   zozs  

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Blinkenshell is free to use and free from advertisements, but donations are very welcome to keep the service running! You can either donate through Paypal, sign up for a Supporter account with a montly fee, or support us through Patreon!

Donations are used to pay for running costs like IP rental, internet connectivity, power, VPS hosting, domain names and server hardware.

For Paypal you can use the Paypal button below or donate to Donations by creditcard are also accepted via Paypal (but you don't need a Paypal account). Donations via Bitcoin is not accepted at the moment (and probably will not be unless the energy cost of Bitcoin is reduced).

  • /!\ Paypal takes a fee on donations, this fee is currently 3.4% + 3.25 SEK (Swedish Krona) for both instant Paypal transfers and transfers by creditcard.

List of donors

If you donate 50 SEK+ you will get on this nice list of people who have donated. If you prefer to not get listed on this page please tell me when you send your donation.

  • Gary Seviour - 5 GBP
  • InDigo176 - 100 SEK

  • azzid - 250 SEK
  • kristianholm - 200 SEK
  • nibbo - one pizza (capricciosa)
  • ebbeyes - 50 SEK
  • base3 - 200 SEK
  • keeperx - 120+150+200 SEK
  • underflow - 100 SEK
  • mattik - 100 SEK
  • krisje8 - 100 SEK
  • braam - 150 SEK
  • navap - 132 SEK
  • fiendishfish - 50 SEK
  • tam - 100 SEK
  • reylan - 150 SEK
  • nemesis - 100 SEK
  • suki - 80 SEK
  • zozs - 100 SEK
  • thorpe - 50 SEK
  • pieter - 50 SEK
  • gdbjoe - 250 SEK
  • fbs - 200 SEK
  • turno - 666 SEK
  • n0t - 85 SEK
  • traeskfisk - 100 SEK
  • Your name here!

Thank you for supporting this free service! Your donation is greatly appreciated!