Revision 9 as of 2007-09-10 20:52:55

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Blinkenshell is a free service that depends on the users' good will and donations. You are very welcome to donate money or hardware to keep Blinkenshell running, any gifts are welcome, small or large!

The preferred way of donating is via Paypal, you can use the Paypal button on the right hand side below the menu or send the donation to this account: independence at

Donations by creditcard are also accepted, these are also done via Paypal but you don't need an account at Paypal to donate money this way.

If you want to donate some other way, maybe by sending over some server hardware etc, contact [:JohanMarcusson:Independence].

If you donate 5$ + you will get on this nice list of people who have donated. If you are in the signup process you can also skip some steps by donating.

List of donors

  • Gary Seviour - 5 GPB
  • Indigo176 - 100 SEK
  • azzid - 250 SEK
  • Your name here!

Thank you for supporting this free service! Your donations are greatly appreciated!