The following 126 words could not be found in the dictionary of 1150 words (including 1150 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
28mail   able   accessible   account   address   adds   Anti   applications   attachment   authenticate   automatically   available   below   blinkenshell   Blinkenshell   but   by   can   Certificate   client   clients   command   connection   corner   default   done   dovecot   echo   Either   enabled   Encryption   Example   example   execute   files   filter   Filtering   filtering   Filters   folder   following   for   forbidden   format   forward   from   get   go   hand   header   home   homedir   If   Incoming   into   Junk   just   Just   language   logging   mail   Maildir   mailserver   manually   members   messages   Mi   move   mymail   on   or   Outgoing   password   png   Port   provides   quota   received   registered   Remember   Require   right   rules   same   secure   Security   Seive   send   server   Server   service   set   Settings   share   shell   side   Sieve   sieve   Sign   someotherdomain   soon   status   stored   strictly   suspended   tab   that   then   they   this   to   top   use   username   Using   via   want   way   web   webmail   Webmail   will   with   work   yes   Yes  

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Blinkenshell Email

Blinkenshell provides Email accounts for all registered members. The address format is: username (at) and it's enabled by default.

The account share the same 100/1000 MiB quota as your home directory (mail is stored in ~/Maildir). The mail is accessible via Webmail or IMAP (SSL/TLS). (Certificate info: Info/Security)

SMTP access is also available but you have to authenticate in to be able to send mail. It's the same username/password as for logging in via Webmail/IMAP. You have to use a secure connection (TLS) to be able to authenticate.

If you want, you can set a forward address. Just execute the following command on the shell echo "" > ~/.forward or just edit the .forward-file by hand.

You can also use this account to send Email from your web applications. Remember to authenticate with SMTP or it will not work!

Using this service to send spam is strictly forbidden and will get your account suspended!

Server Info

Incoming Server:

  • Server :



Outgoing Server:

  • Server:



    Require Sign-In:yes


The mailserver adds the header "X-spam-status: Yes/No..." to all email. You can use this header to automatically move spam messages into a Junk folder. To do the filtering server-side, use the example below.

Server-side filtering

You can filter messages server-side as soon as they are received, that way all your mail clients will have the same view of your email. Filtering is done via Seive. Either you can edit the files in your homedir manually (~/sieve/ and ~/.dovecot.sieve) or you can create rules from the webmail client (go to Settings in the top right corner, and then to the tab Filters).

Example filter to move spam messages to the Junk folder:

