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Blinkenshell IRCd listen port?

Locked History Actions Discussion


Login information

Login information for SSH:

Host: ssh.blinkenshell.org (triton.blinkenshell.org)
Port: 2222 (alt 443)

ED25519 Fingerprint:


ECDSA Fingerprint:


RSA Fingerprint:



For signup users:

Username: signup
Password: signup23

The required minimum size of your terminal window is 80x24 characters to run the signup program. Also, if you resize the window to a smaller size the program will exit.

SSH Clients

If you are using Windows, try either the SSH-client PuTTY or use the builtin OpenSSH client in windows 10/11.

If you are on some UNIX-like system or Windows 10/11 probably already have OpenSSH. You can use this command from a terminal on a UNIX-like system or in powershell on Windows:

ssh signup@ssh.blinkenshell.org -p 2222

Note: You can also connect on port 443 if you are behind a firewall that blocks port 2222.

If you can't or don't want to install a client on your computer you can use a client running in your browser using webassembly instead: https://webssh.blinkenshell.org/

Connecting for the first time

When connecting for the first time (from a new computer) you should verify that the SSH fingerprint that the server presents matches with the fingerprints listed above to make sure no one is doing a man-in-the-middle attack.

Putty v0.68 for example will by default show you the MD5 hash of the ED25519 host key, so you should make sure that the key you see matches with the MD5 ED25519 key listed above:


If the keys does not match you should click cancel and don't connect. Ask in chat if you need help