The following 165 words could not be found in the dictionary of 1150 words (including 1150 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
0c   0d   2e   4c   6b   7c   80x24   A256   aa   ae   already   alt   Ask   attachment   attack   b1   B5iw2q   bc   behind   bf   blinkenshell   blocks   builtin   by   c0   c1   c3   c9   can   cancel   cc   characters   chat   client   Clients   command   computer   connect   Connecting   connecting   Cyd   D25519   d3   d4   D5   d6   default   does   doing   don   E0   e0   e2   e8   e9   ea   either   Et   example   exit   f6   fc   Fds   fingerprint   Fingerprint   fingerprints   firewall   For   for   from   Fy5   G4   hash   host   Host   Ibm   if   If   ig   information   instead   Ip   K0   key   keys   L2   like   listed   make   match   matches   middle   minimum   Mz   N8m   need   new   Nhj9d   Note   Oewwo5br   on   one   or   Password   Pn07o   png   port   Port   powershell   presents   probably   program   Pu   putty   Putty   required   resize   Rl   run   running   S6   see   server   Sh   should   signup   signup23   size   smaller   so   some   ssh   sshfingerprint   supfw5bp   sure   Sy   system   Td7   terminal   that   this   time   to   triton   try   U8   Ug   use   Username   using   v0   verify   Vld4o3ur7   want   webassembly   webssh   will   window   Windows   windows   with   Wr6   Xlwf   Xn   Y7  

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Login information

Login information for SSH:

Host: (
Port: 2222 (alt 443)

ED25519 Fingerprint:


ECDSA Fingerprint:


RSA Fingerprint:



For signup users:

Username: signup
Password: signup23

The required minimum size of your terminal window is 80x24 characters to run the signup program. Also, if you resize the window to a smaller size the program will exit.

SSH Clients

If you are using Windows, try either the SSH-client PuTTY or use the builtin OpenSSH client in windows 10/11.

If you are on some UNIX-like system or Windows 10/11 probably already have OpenSSH. You can use this command from a terminal on a UNIX-like system or in powershell on Windows:

ssh -p 2222

Note: You can also connect on port 443 if you are behind a firewall that blocks port 2222.

If you can't or don't want to install a client on your computer you can use a client running in your browser using webassembly instead:

Connecting for the first time

When connecting for the first time (from a new computer) you should verify that the SSH fingerprint that the server presents matches with the fingerprints listed above to make sure no one is doing a man-in-the-middle attack.

Putty v0.68 for example will by default show you the MD5 hash of the ED25519 host key, so you should make sure that the key you see matches with the MD5 ED25519 key listed above:


If the keys does not match you should click cancel and don't connect. Ask in chat if you need help