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Login information

Login information for SSH:

Port: 2222 (alt 443)

RSA Fingerprint: de:58:ea:93:0d:89:c1:d3:28:e2:cc:90:0c:bc:26:af

You have 2 minutes to enter a username and password, after that the server will close your connection.

List of all SSH Servers


For signup users:

Username: signup
Password: signup23

The required minimum size of your terminal window is 80x24 characters to run the signup program. Also, if you resize the window to a smaller size the program will exit.

SSH Clients

If you are using Windows, try the SSH-client PuTTY to connect.

If you are on some UNIX-like system, chances are you already have OpenSSH or similar already installed. You can use this command from a terminal on a UNIX-like system:

ssh -p 2222

Note: You can also connect on port 443 if you are behind a firewall that blocks port 2222.