The following 142 words could not be found in the dictionary of 1150 words (including 1150 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
about   accepts   account   address   addresses   admin   Admin   allowed   ammount   anyone   ask   asking   available   away   because   Blinkenshell   blog   can   certain   chech   Check   check   common   communicate   connecting   dewinter   domain   Don   don   else   emails   Emails   encrypted   Encryption   especially   even   ever   files   find   fingerprint   Fingerprints   for   from   general   give   Gnu   gnupg   good   Good   Guard   host   Howto   howto   identified   if   information   instead   just   key   like   log   logins   Make   Mini   more   My   Nick   nickname   non   often   On   one   only   optionally   or   our   out   over   own   package   paranoia   password   Password   Passwords   Phishing   pointers   policy   Policy   Pretty   Privacy   protect   protocol   protocols   Read   really   reply   right   same   saying   secure   security   Security   sender   sense   Sensitive   sent   Serv   server   Server   Servers   services   she   shell   similar   so   some   someone   specifically   such   supported   sure   than   that   there   things   thingy   those   time   to   transfer   trust   trusted   use   used   user   username   via   way   Webmail   webpages   will   with  

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Here you can find some general information and pointers about security in general and more specifically Blinkenshell.


The shell server only accepts encrypted logins via SSH (only protocol version 2 is allowed). Make sure to chech the key fingerprint the first time you log in via SSH: SSH Server Fingerprints.

Normal non-encrypted FTP is not supported, instead SFTP from the OpenSSH package is used to transfer files to and from the shell server.

Sensitive webpages such as phpMyAdmin and Webmail are only available over HTTPS, and the wiki and blog are optionally available over HTTPS.


Do not use the same password for your shell account as you use for other services, especially those that communicate over non-secure protocols like IRC or webpages.

Also, check out our password policy: PasswordPolicy

Phishing and trust

No one at Blinkenshell will ever ask you for your password. Do not ever give away your password, not even to someone saying he/she is an admin.

On IRC, there often is no really good way to protect your nickname, so anyone can use anyone else's nickname. Don't trust someone to be an admin just because of the username. Check things like connecting host and if the user is identified with NickServ.

Emails can be sent from addresses other than one's own, so don't trust emails asking you to reply with your password or similar just because the sender address is from a trusted domain.

Use common sense and a certain ammount of paranoia and you will be all right :-)

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