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OpenTTD Project

Title: OpenTTD

Summary: Host an OpenTTD game server

Status: idea - looking for members - active - abandoned

Requests: DNS name with open ports: 3979udp+tcp, 3978udp

Project username: openttd


  • independence
  • esselfe
  • yourname

Long description:

OpenTTD is an open source simulation game based upon Transport Tycoon Deluxe. It doesn't require much resources and is a lot of fun to play in co-op mode.

If you are interested in joining this project contact independence on IRC!

First step is to get a server up and running. Later we can add a small webpage, and add an IRC bot that will send updates on important game events to an #openttd channel on BlinkenIRC


Requires gcc, make and cmake

mkdir build
cd build
./openttd -f (to start the game)

Might also need to unpack opengfx .zip and run with -I OpenGFX
