Revision 1 as of 2007-08-24 15:46:53

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BS Signup

bs_signup is the working name of Blinkenshell's signup system. It's written in Python by JohanMarcusson.


24 Aug 2007

  • The quiz now has a time limit. You have 10 minutes to answer all the questions and get every single answer right.
  • Passwords for the signup accounts are no longer auto generated, instead you can choose whatever password you like.
  • Users can change their passwords at any point.
  • Passwords are stored encrypted using SHA1 and a salt.
  • You can not recover the password the same way as before, since only a hash is stored there is no way to get the password back. Instead a new password is generated and emailed back to you.
  • You no longer have to keep the signup program running while waiting for the SMS. You can log in again at a later time and enter the code.
  • Lots of minor changes and fixes.
  • Probably a couple of new bugs introduced ;)