Revision 5 as of 2007-09-20 14:17:38

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BS Signup

bs_signup is the working name of Blinkenshell's signup system. It's written in Python by JohanMarcusson.

Project page (report bugs, suggest enchantments, view development etc):


28 Sep 2007

  • Data is stored in binary files (python pickle) instead of plaintext, makes it easier to store integers as integers (not strings) and might boost performance.
  • Since it's not plaintext anymore, all calls to the signup database goes through the User class instead of manipulating the files on their own (affects blinkenbot and cron-scripts)
  • Major changes in the internal data handling, related to the changes in the User class.
  • Some tweaks with the interface: if all output can't fit on one screen, there is a "more" sign on the input-bar. You can scroll with arrowkeys in pause/continue-dialogs or by entering +/- in string input dialogs.
  • User info will be saved even if one exits by closing the terminal (or after tracebacks), this will make it almost inpossible for situations where the database marks you as beeing online when in fact you are not.
  • Some tweaks on user input data.

24 Aug 2007

  • The quiz now has a time limit. You have 10 minutes to answer all the questions and get every single answer right.
  • Passwords for the signup accounts are no longer auto generated, instead you can choose whatever password you like.
  • Users can change their passwords at any point.
  • Passwords are stored "encrypted" ([ hashed]) using SHA1 and a salt.

  • You can not recover the password the same way as before, since only a hash is stored there is no way to get the password back. Instead a new password is generated and emailed back to you.
  • You no longer have to keep the signup program running while waiting for the SMS. You can log in again at a later time and enter the code.
  • Lots of minor changes and fixes.
  • Probably a couple of new bugs introduced ;-)