The following 61 words could not be found in the dictionary of 1150 words (including 1150 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
account   allowed   arch   available   before   blacklisted   blinkenshell   commonly   community   domain   Ethan   experiments   few   for   from   gitlab   had   His   home   Home   If   io   like   lwh   Mc   mctague   me   mooo   most   my   on   only   out   primary   reason   request   requests   restrictions   runs   send   Server   server   so   spread   strangled   Tague   talked   that   There   this   through   to   twitter   usage   used   ve   very   web   well   what   whatever  

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Ethan McTague (mctague) runs blinkenshell for email usage and web experiments, as well as to access the IRC community.

His twitter:

His main site:

His email:

Home Server

McTague runs a home server on arch linux, available through:

  • (primary / most commonly used domain)

  • lwh <.> mooo <.> com (the domain is blacklisted on this wiki, so I had to spread it out like that.)

  • mctague <.> mooo <.> com

If you'd like to request an account on my home server for whatever reason, send me an email. (I only do it for requests from blinkenshell users that I've talked to before.) There are very few restrictions on what you are allowed to do on this server.