The following 138 words could not be found in the dictionary of 1150 words (including 1150 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
about   Abusing   account   active   against   Approve   around   available   awaiting   ban   banned   based   Being   blinkenbot   Blinkenbot   blinkenshell   Blinkenshell   bot   by   can   channel   chat   Check   Checks   command   commands   connected   connecting   created   currently   database   describes   Displays   either   entire   for   from   generate   get   helps   host   how   identified   identify   if   If   include   independence   information   keeps   keyword   kick   kicked   kicking   last   like   link   list   List   load   logs   Lookup   members   messages   minute   most   moste   necessary   Nick   Nickname   nickname   number   official   on   online   Only   or   output   password   plugin   plugins   pm   powered   powerful   Prints   privately   quote   reacts   register   registered   required   Seen   seen   send   sent   Serv   server   signup   signupnick   small   so   some   someone   special   specific   specified   statistics   step   steps   supybot   System   system   that   things   This   this   Three   time   times   to   triton   two   type   uptime   use   user   username   vote   Vote   votekick   votes   Vouch   vouch   vouches   when   which   will   with  

Clear message
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Blinkenbot is the official IRC bot for Blinkenshell. It's powered by supybot (a powerful python based IRC bot), and has a special plugin for Blinkenshell.

Blinkenbot helps with small things around the channel, and also keeps logs to generate statistics (moste active user, most active times and so on).

To use Blinkenbot, you can either pm it, or send messages in the main chat. In main chat, blinkenbot reacts to !<command> or blinkenbot: <command>

To get some help, type !list for available plugins, !list <plugin> for available commands for a specific plugin, and !help command for help about a specific command.

List of commands


!seen <nickname>

Prints info about when nickname was last seen in the channel.

Signup Database Check

!signup [username] [all]

Prints info about username from the signup database (step and last seen) or a link to the signup page if no username is specified.

If the keyword all is specified at the end (like: !signup independence all) you will get information about NickServ username and the time when the signup account was created.

Nickname Lookup

!signupnick [nickname]

Checks the signup database for any account connected with the IRC nickname

Vouch Database Check


Print info about which users are currently awaiting vouches, and a link to the page that describes how to vouch for someone.


!system <uptime,time>

Print info about the system:

  • uptime - Displays output from uptime (uptime, number of users online, load)

  • time - Displays exact server time

Vote kick

!votekick <nickname>

Three votes are required to kick someone. Only Blinkenshell members connecting from triton can vote for kicking someone. When kicking someone a 10 minute ban is also applied for the entire host.

Abusing this command will get you kicked+banned from the channel!


!register <username> <password>

register your username against the bot database

This command (and all other commands that include a password) must be sent to the bot privately, not in a channel.


!identify <username> <password>

identify <username> with bot This command (and all other commands that include a password) must be sent to the bot privately, not in a channel.

Being registered and identified are two necessary steps to use the !quote command