The following 70 words could not be found in the dictionary of 1150 words (including 1150 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
account   assigned   based   blinkenshell   buildserver   can   cert   certificate   challenge   chat   client   config   connect   Connect   created   custom   domain   done   enable   files   for   from   Hop   hosted   If   Installation   instance   js   letsencrypt   log   Lounge   maybe   modern   modules   myusername   name   network   node   npm   options   over   perm   port   previously   private   releases   run   screen   see   self   specify   ssh   Start   start   supporter   Supporter   thelounge   There   tmux   to   triton   unsafe   upgrade   user   using   via   want   web   world   yourport  

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The Lounge

The Lounge is a web based IRC client for the modern world, see

If you have a supporter account you can run a self-hosted private instance of The Lounge and connect to any IRC network.


SSH to the buildserver using: ssh buildserver

Install thelounge via npm: ( npm install --unsafe-perm thelounge

Hop over to triton and add a user in thelounge: node node_modules/thelounge/index.js add <myusername>

Edit .thelounge/config.js and change the port to your supporter account assigned TCP port.

Start thelounge (in tmux/screen): node node_modules/thelounge/index.js start

Connect via web to<yourport> and log in using the user you created previously


If you have a custom domain name and want to enable HTTPS via TLS certificate maybe it can be done using letsencrypt and DNS-01 challenge? There are options to specify cert files in .thelounge/config.js