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To get past step 4 in the signp process, a user trying to signup has to get approved by two already registered members. This info is for registered members who have been asked to approve a user in the signup process.

It's quite easy to approve another member, just log in to the signup program with your account (["Info/Login"]). You might have lost the password to your account since you probably don't log in to it other than to approve new members, but no worries, there is a recover-password function!

When you have the password and are logged in to the signup program, chose 2 in the menu and then enter the username of the person you would like to approve. This is the username they use in the signup process, and might not be the same as they use on IRC.

Before you approve a member check that they are registered with nickserv. You can do this by doing: /whois <nickname> and look if the returned info says something like "is a registered nick". If the user seems to not know the rules of Blinkenshell, or if he/she acts like a scriptkiddie or someone who would hurt Blinkenshell you should obviously not approve them!

You can only approve one user each day. You can not save up approve-points, so even if you wait one week without approving anyone you can't approve 7 people at the same time. You can not approve the same user twice, two different users have to approve. Your username is logged when you approve someone, if you do approve people that should not get approved something will happen.