The following 58 words could not be found in the dictionary of 1150 words (including 1150 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
Abandoned   account   Active   active   ask   Blinkenshell   bots   called   can   codybot   community   contact   described   directories   found   game   get   good   group   home   host   idea   Idea   independence   Jail   least   like   make   member   members   on   Once   one   or   people   platform   project   Projects   projects   Requirements   servers   several   shared   shell   so   standing   start   Template   their   then   things   to   together   two   username   webpages   where   with  

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Blinkenshell Community Projects

/!\ BETA

Blinkenshell community projects is a platform where you as a Blinkenshell member can start a project together with one or several other members and get access to a shared shell account to host things like bots, game servers, webpages and so on.


  • At least two Blinkenshell members with active shell accounts in good standing
  • A project idea described on a wiki page

Once you have found a group of people and described your project (make a copy of Projects/Template) ask all members to create a file called .<project_username>_member in their home directories and then contact independence

Active projects

Abandoned projects