Edit History Actions Discussion

Diff for "Info"

Differences between revisions 9 and 15 (spanning 6 versions)
Revision 9 as of 2009-01-14 19:16:26
Size: 561
Editor: independence
Comment: sections
Revision 15 as of 2010-12-11 18:17:01
Size: 937
Editor: independence
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Here you can find more information regarding Blinkneshell and it's services. Here you can find more information regarding Blinkenshell and its services.
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 * '''[[Info/About]]'''
 * [[Info/Design]]
 * [[Info/Donations]]
 * '''[[Info/IRC]]'''
 * '''[[Info/Rules]]'''
 * [[Info/Security]]
 * [[Info/Support]]
 * '''[[Info/About|About]]''' About Blinkenshell, history etc
 * [[Info/Design|Design]]
 * [[Info/Donations|Donations]]
 * '''[[Info/IRC|IRC]]''' Blinkenshell Chat
 * '''[[Info/Rules|Rules]]'''
 * [[Info/Security|Security]]
 * [[Info/Supporter|Supporter account]] (paid shell)
 * [[Info/Support|Support]]
 * [[Info/Software|Software]] Software installed on Blinkenshell
Line 15: Line 17:
 * '''[[Info/Signup]]'''
 * [[Info/Login]]
 * [[Info/Approve]]
 * '''[[Info/Signup|Sign up]]'''
 * [[Info/Login|Login]]
 * [[Info/Approve|Vouch]] How to vouch
Line 20: Line 22:
 * [[Info/Backup]]
 * [[Info/Bitlbee]]
 * [[Info/Email]]
 * [[Info/IPv6]]
 * [[Info/MySQL]]
 * [[Info/Webhosting]]
 * [[Info/SSH_Servers|SSH Servers]]
 * [[Info/Backup|Backup]]
 * [[Info/Bitlbee|Bitlbee]]
 * [[Info/Email|Email]]
 * [[Info/IPv6|IPv6]]
 * [[Info/MySQL|MySQL]]
 * [[Info/Webhosting|Webhosting]]
 * [[Info/ResourceLimits|Resource limits]]